

I planned. You planned. We planned. He did the planning too. And His plan is the best. Allah's.

Assalamualaikum brothers, and sisters.

I have a few things to share, basicly what happened for the last two weeks.

I got 69 for physics. I found a question which I can argue the answer. That time I believed that my teacher is the one who gave me the A. After a few days, my teacher add up my marks to 70.
But thats not the end.
It happened to be that the system for the teacher to key-in the marks had been closed.
Rezeki tu bukan kita dapat sendiri. Rezeki tu bukan dekat tangan kita. Rezeki tu bukan dekat tangan cikgu. Even after my teacher agreed to add my marks, I still didn't manage to get it. Sebab rezeki itu Allah yang bagi. Kalau dah bukan rezeki kita, buat macam mana pun tak dapat.
A bitter-sweet lesson, I must say.
But if Allah meant it for us, kita pasti dapat.
Alhamdullilah Cikgu Hadi buka balik the system after a week.

Never thought about applying khazanah's scolarships before. I was suprised when my teacher asked me to fill up the form. I was confused and lost, not knowing what course should I choose. I asked Him for the best and when the result is out, I believe, without any doubt, that is the best.

It was a shock when the government announced that trial results are not valid. That means no spc, no fast tracks. Spc is our aim, the easiest way for us to further our studies, both overseas and local. It made me wonder, kenapa jadi macam ni? Kenapa after trial, after all the hardworks, after all the pains baru nak cakap trial is invalid? 
Mesti ada hikmah. Mesti ada.
Trial mara was so important back then until most of us downgrade spm to the second level. Mungkin bila jadi macam ni, we wont put ourselves in the safe zone just sebab trial kita haritu ada peningkatan. Bcube, have faith in Allah. Bersangka baik dengan Dia :)

'If you trust Allah with the right kind of tawakal, He will provide you sustenance as He provides for the birds; they go out in the morning with empty stomachs and come back in the evening with full stomachs' -Prophet Muhammad pbuh

I would like to stressed on the right kind of tawakal. Berserah setelah berusaha.
Ask Allah to guide your hand with every decission you're about to make.

A month plusplus to go for me to search more life lessons in langkawi. May Allah ease.


Going back today. Eidul adha dekat maktab. Tak sabar nak buat salam perantauan ceyy

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